Would like to meet...

Pieter de Nooij

(IIB, 1976)

Author, tangovanbedrog.nl


What are you doing now?

For the last years of my working life in company finance I lived in Argentina. I took an early retirement and decided to start writing a company thriller. Tango van Bedrog (a Tango of Deceit) combines my experiences in the corporate world, M&A and Latin America with my interest in history, in this case the ‘dirty war’ of the 70s in Argentina.

What can you bring to the RSM community?

Business ethics and compliance are hot issues since the demise of Enron. Tango van Bedrog submerges the reader in the dilemmas of transparency. It puts decisions, be it political or businesswise, into perspective and may force the reader into questions like ‘what is right and who is wrong?’ and ‘what would I have done?’ Real life confronts theory.