Transforming society with technology
When he was studying at RSM in 1994, Marijn Bom got his first taste of broadband internet. And if you spend a lot of time on the web, you might learn a bit about the technology behind it. Right?
When he was studying at RSM in 1994, Marijn Bom got his first taste of broadband internet. And if you spend a lot of time on the web, you might learn a bit about the technology behind it. Right?
An equal share of men and women at Erasmus University Rotterdam – that’s the goal of the Female Entrepreneur Fund. And there’s still a lot to do.
How can sharing economy buisnesses thrive when sharing things with strangers isn’t attractive? We took a walk with Jantine van der Weerdt, CEO of Officebooking to find out.
Top virologist Marion Koopmans on preparing for outbreaks, and the friction between politics and science.
Joyce van der Niet talks to us about how being a better neighbour could keep our health system future-proof.
After 30+ years in governments, NGO’s and foundations, Lisa Jordan now creates social change by investing in social enterprises.
Tsjomme Zijlstra – philosophy graduate and founder of Kaapse Brouwers – on life, beer and lockdown.